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10 Essential Tips for class 8 Olympiad Exam Preparation

Olympiad Exam Preparation

Olympiads provide a window for apt academic assessment of every individual pupil. With their in-depth analytical questionnaire and a huge pool of attendees, it is a necessity of the modern competitive world to attempt olympiads and to do Olympiad Exam Preparation. 

Class 8 is the ultimate year for middle school. Although students must participate in Olympiads as soon as they are eligible, students in grades eight and above are strongly encouraged to do so. These are the classes where concepts are to be built up with maximum attention, and what better way to test them than to attempt a nationwide exam?

Now, for those ambitious pupils who want to put their best efforts, here are ten effective tips to prepare for the upcoming olympiads for Olympiad Exam Preparation:

  1. Develop a Strategy

Strategizing is the key to success. But, it is important to note that every child is unique. Thus, each child should develop a strategy that works for them. Optimizing your strategy to fit your needs is the best way to start preparing for any exam whatsoever. When chalking out a strategy for yourself, be specific about every tiny detail. Planning everything will provide you with all types of prerequisite knowledge to kick start your preparation smoothly. Starting from textbooks you think you might need to refer to the techniques you will follow, make a list of everything that is a part of your preparation. Next, plan on how you will attempt the exam and prepare for it.

  1. Be familiar with the syllabus

Before you dive into your preparation, it is important to know the syllabus thoroughly. Often, olympiad syllabi might vary from those in the school curriculum, and the students attempting the olympiad must be aware of it completely. Take a note of the entire syllabus and the topics in it.

It is very important to be aware of the sub-parts or the topics covered in the syllabi as well. This helps a student to make targeted progress towards their goals.

  1. Concentration

It is important to study with utmost focus if you want to ace your olympiads. To maximize your studying intensity, it is best to turn off all distractions and tidy up your studying area. Make sure they align with your goals. It is extremely crucial to set up a studying routine or timetable to keep yourself accountable. We recommend you draw up a properly targeted routine that pertains to your goals with the olympiad. This personalized routine will help you stay motivated towards achieving your goals.

  1. Monitor Your Progress

While preparing yourself for a competitive natured exam like an olympiad, it’s very crucial to mark up your progress. Tracking your progress will help you realize whether you are on the right route. It will also motivate you if you feel too stuck on a topic. It is recommended that you start tracking your progress right when you begin your preparation so you can be motivated and focused from the very beginning. Stay grounded and track your progress honestly and diligently.

  1. Research the exam

Knowing comprehensively about the exam you’re about to attempt is remarkably important. If you want to stand out, leave an impact and attain your goals, you must learn it is important you learn about the examination in detail. Make sure you know every detail you can know about the olympiad you are set to attempt. You can’t afford to not know certain crucial details. 

It is critical to read the Olympiad brochure before registering for the event. It provides a brief glimpse into the examination and how it is designed. It will allow the candidates to get a firm idea of the examination and what it demands while briefing them about the key aspects of the examination. 

Generally, all big olympiads have a website. If the one you’re attempting has one, be sure to visit the FAQ section. There you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions by candidates in the past as assessed by the olympiad organization. One generally learns a lot about the olympiad from that section. 

  1. Study the Previous Year’s Question Papers/Sample Papers

Studying the previous year’s question paper is undeniably important for achieving your goals. They will help you understand the exact form, type, and general types of questions asked. You shall learn that not all chapters have equal weightage in an examination. Typically, it is suggested that you skim through the previous year’s papers once before you strategize or make your routine because, in that way, you will know how much time to allocate to each section. 

The timed practise of sample papers is highly recommended. It boosts the morale of the candidates and provides room for self-assessment.

Here’s a sample paper for you:

Class 8 IMO Question Paper 2011

  1. Be Resourceful

Take every chance you have to make the best use of the resources at hand. If school books can’t suffice the need and requirements for olympiads, instead of waiting for ages for a new book, start learning from resources online. There is a load of notable-quality materials available for free online. You can even find PDFs of certain popular books if you use the internet to your benefit.

  1. Avoid Burnouts

Don’t push yourself beyond your limits. It will take a huge toll on your mental and physical health and will, in turn, affect your performance negatively. Make sure you take ample breaks during your study sessions. This helps you to retain information for longer than cramming everything all at once. 

  1. Don’t Think About the Results

It is tempting to keep focusing on the result. But it will do you no good. It is better if you focus on optimizing your performance and focus on giving a better exam than being too stuck up about achieving a certain percentage of marks.

  1. Try to Overcome Nervousness

It is normal to feel nervous when attempting your olympiads. But it does harm your performance. Don’t stress if you can’t answer a certain question, move on to the next one instead.

These were some essential tips for Olympiad Exam Preparation for eighth-graders to attain prime success in the next olympiad attempt. Following these tips ardently ensures the best performance.

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