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B2B Demand Generation: Everything you need to know

B2B marketing is evolving at a breakneck pace. Fortunately, the digital landscape makes it easy to spot emerging trends and develop strategies to capitalize on them. Take demand generation, for example. Discussions about content marketing and inbound marketing have left B2B marketers collectively discussing how they can implement these concepts within their organizations.  In addition to these widely debated topics, there are many other lesser-discussed but equally important trends that B2B marketers need to be aware of to remain effective. This article will explore some of the most impactful B2B demand gen tactics, techniques, and technologies available today.

What is B2B Demand Generation?

Demand generation refers to the process of increasing your company’s demand or visibility within the marketplace. Demand generation is often associated with a focus on acquisition but includes retention and expansion. B2B demand generation campaigns typically include lead generation, lead nurturing, and demand conversion.

Demand Generation Campaign Examples

Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation

The terms demand generation and lead generation are often used interchangeably. While there is some overlap between the two terms, lead generation is typically the first step in the demand generation process. You can break down a demand generation campaign into three stages: lead generation, lead nurturing, and demand conversion. Lead generation refers to the process of collecting information from prospective customers. Lead generation can be done in person, via email, or online. Once a lead has been generated, the information will be entered into a database and given a unique lead identifier. 


Lead nurturing actively engages individuals who have shown interest in your brand by consuming your content. Lead nurturing typically involves sending emails (and possibly texts and voicemails) with content relevant to your product or service. The goal of lead nurturing is to keep your company at the forefront of your leads’ minds so that when they are ready to purchase, they choose you.

B2B Demand Generation Benefits

How to improve your B2B demand generation campaign strategy

What Are the Best Demand Generation Tools?


A strong demand generation campaign can help boost your company’s revenue and reduce acquisition costs. To achieve these results, identify your campaign goals and audiences, then develop an appropriate strategy. Next, invest in the tools your team needs to succeed and encourage your employees to put in the effort required to see results.


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