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iPhones Are Due a Real Shakeup

Real Shakeup

There are over 100 million iPhone users in the United States alone. That accounts for about 45% of all smartphone users in the U.S. Apple is no stranger to coming up with memorable surprises with their iPhone releases, year after year. Read on to find how iPhones are due to a real shakeup.

But, staying fresh and relevant isn’t always easy to do. Between 2007-2020, the Apple corporation has released 20 different iPhones, and it is expected that the iPhone 12 will come later in 2020. 

So, what can users expect from a new iPhone? How can Apple shake things up, and get people to sell or trade in their old iPhones for newer models? 

Unforgettable New Features and Technology

Usually, when Apple unveils a new phone, there are only minor changes or updates that users can expect. That often includes things like faster processing due to newer software, or better camera features. 

But, because the company is due for a shakeup, there are a few interesting aspects of the upcoming iPhone 12 that could give Apple the ‘edge’ they’ve been missing out on with their last few phone releases. 

One of the biggest differences in this latest model (and all Apple devices moving forward) is that they will be capable of supporting 5G. Thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, whether or not 5G will be available right away is still a bit up in the air. But, their phones will have the ability to use the new network. 

So, what another major shakeup can we expect from the new iPhone?

Design Changes

While the underlying look and feel of the iPhone isn’t likely to change any time soon, there are a few design changes that the iPhone 12 is set to bring forward, including: 

Augmented Reality

Perhaps the coolest feature and biggest change in the new iPhone is the 3D camera. Now, it can be argued that previous models have already had 3D cameras, but this is different. These are called Time-of-Flight 3D cameras, which would improve upon augmented reality features in the world. 

With any iPhone update, you can expect changes to the camera, and this model is no different. But, it could very well be their best camera upgrade yet, allowing just about anyone to be a “professional photographer” in a matter of minutes. 

When to Sell your Current iPhone

A good rule of thumb, if you plan on getting the latest model of the iPhone, is to sell or trade your current model in before it comes out. You might have a bit more time to do that this year if the iPhone 12 release is delayed, due to Coronavirus. But, upgrading to this latest model will give you access to some of the exciting new features Apple is rolling out, and you’ll experience some real shakeup in the smartphone industry! 


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