Tips For Advertising On Instagram To Get The Best Results. We all know the power of advertising on Instagram in the field of e-marketing, and there are many examples that have proven that Instagram strongly participates in the success of online marketing strategies. Therefore, Instagram ads have become important for store owners and companies.
Here we will talk about how to advertise on Instagram step-by-step and from the beginning to the end, whether your ad is a picture or a video or a group of images, which are the options provided by Instagram so far.
Before we know the steps for making an advertisement on Instagram, we must know the types of ads on Instagram.
What types of ads are available on Instagram?
- Advertising on Instagram through photos:
In this type of ads you only use an image that tells a story about your company, a product or simply an advertisement for something.
In order to create ads that include images, the image must be in jpeg or png. The owner of the advertisement is free to choose the number of images he desires, which he wants to display to the target audience, and this is done through Carousel Ads.
Regarding the characteristics of the images:
Images should be 1080 x 1080 pixels for square ads, and 1200 x 628 pixels for Landscape ads (this is a rectangular format in which the width is greater than the image height). The images selected should have a minimum resolution of 600 x 600 pixels.
- Advertising on Instagram via video ads:
You can also use the Instagram video advertising method.
Regarding the video features:
The platform allows videos that last for a maximum of 60 seconds.
As with photos, the video size should be 1080 x 1080 pixels for square videos and 1200 x 628 pixels for landscape videos.
The minimum required resolution should be 600 x 600 pixels.
Actually there are many tools provide services to create Instagram Videos like FlexClip, Animoto, etc.
- Carousel Ads :
For example, they appear as topics, advertisements for the product or liking it, or publishing content about the brand or its own ads, integrated ads, sponsored content, or a mixture of the previous forms.
How do you choose the right influencer?
Reach – what is the number of followers or views do they have?
Interactivity – Do their followers’ comment, share, and like the posts?
Experience – Do these influencers have experience dealing with past brands?
Posting frequency – How effective is the influencer on their network?
Past performance – How successful have their campaigns been in the past?
To determine which social media influencers will have the greatest impact on a brand campaign, marketers first need to:
Define their target audience,
Then look at the types of topics, blogs, videos, and multimedia that will create the most engagement. Determine the effective electronic marketing platforms for the nature of the business and the target area.
To stay competitive in this digital space, you must take advantage of this effective marketing strategy.
But this type of advertising is very expensive, and not all companies who own brands are capable of this type in their ads, and I will talk in detail about the prices of all ads in another article.
How to advertise on Instagram in detail
Instagram is a Facebook app, so you must use the Facebook Ad tool to create your ad. Facebook Ads Manager allows you to fully control the creation of the ad, and it is also one of the advertising tools that you can use yourself.
So you can start working on it in minutes. In addition, this tool offers flexible pricing to suit your budget, and very specific targeting to reach your ideal audience. If you are just a starter with Facebook ads, you can read this comprehensive guide to professional Facebook ads: Facebook Ads – Your Comprehensive Guide to Creating Successful Ads
Step 1 – Set up a Business Manager account.
Enter to the site and click “Create Account” in the upper right corner Enter.
Note: – If you do not have a page for your company, it will be necessary to set up a page to create ads.
Then we will start advertising steps on Instagram via Facebook.
Step 2 – Click on Create Ad
You can go to the Facebook ads platform by clicking on Create, then clicking on an ad.
Step 3 – Choose the goal of your ad campaign
What action do you want your viewers to take? You didn’t see anything about Instagram until this step, but don’t worry we’ll come to it later.
You have to choose the type of campaign, meaning is it intended to bring interaction with your Instagram photos and followers? Getting messages or directing visitors to your website? In this example, of course, we want to answer the question How do I make my Instagram account popular? Therefore, we will bring account interaction and real and interactive followers. As shown in the picture below, we will choose the goal of Engagement and the purpose of this goal to increase interaction with the target audience
Step 4 – Divide the target audience for your ad campaign
In order to get better results for your ads, you should not target these ads to anyone, but rather to users who have shown interest in the topic you are discussing.
Otherwise, you will have a few clicks and a worse conversion rate consequently. Facebook offers several segmentation options that can be customized to reach a more accurate audience.
You can target according to the following:
Geographical location.
Devices used to view the advertisement.
Note: – You must know the personality of the target audience before starting to create your ad, and you can study the target audience by:
Step 5: Edit where the ad appears.
The same ad can be displayed both on Facebook and Instagram together, but if you want to increase the interaction and improve your Instagram account, you can choose Instagram only.
Therefore, if you want your ad to appear only on Instagram, you must choose the command Edit location and uncheck the other options to run the ad.
As you can see here, we have deleted all kinds of ads, to leave only Instagram ads, so that Facebook understands that our ads are only directed to our account on Instagram and not to the Facebook page.
Then of course you will add the daily budget. You must specify the material budget and the time during which the campaign will take place.
This period of time depends on the goal you set. When you budget for your first ad, start with a low budget and then increase it on a daily basis based on the results you get.
Step 6: Create your ad
Here you can set up the ad from scratch, by following the text / video and text features we talked about, or you can also choose a pre-existing post to promote it and activate it on Instagram.
If you choose to create a new ad, choose the ad format (image, video or carousel) and upload the files.
In the text box, type text for the description, and click Continue.
Instagram offers many options for a call to action within the ad, such as:
ask for appointment.
Apply now.
Book now.
Contact us.
Learn more
Shop now.
Sign Up.
see more.
Listen now.
Get show times.
Sending a Message
ask for appointment
This is where the text of “call to action” depends on the goal you want from the advertising campaign. What does a call to action mean? Generally called a CTA, it is a link or other type of function on a web page that prompts users to take an action. The goal of a CTA: to invite people who enjoy access to your content so they can take a specific next step. In each CTA, you state what exactly you want to achieve the goals you set for your personas
Step 7: Review and publish the ad you created
After choosing the method of advertising on Instagram that you prefer and preparing the content, you now have the opportunity to review it for the last time before publishing it.
Check how your ad will appear across the different screen sizes. This point is very important.
Considering that whoever logs onto Instagram does so most of the time using his mobile device, then click on Publish.
Create ads directly with Instagram
If you do not want to use a business manager, you can create Instagram ads directly from Instagram itself, but to do so, your profile must be of commercial style.
The setup process is very simple and easy. Choose the desired post and click “Promote”.After that, simply follow the directions provided by the application! But it is preferable to create ads on Instagram through the advertising account on Facebook.
Conclusion :
Each ad has a specific goal, which is why there is no fixed and unique formula for preparing all ads. But you should focus on creating an attractive advertisement that really helps you achieve the best results, whether it is in terms of generating revenue and making money, or attracting more customers.