If you own a smartphone, probably you are a regular user of WhatsApp Messenger. This application comes along with new features in each frequent updates. That’s the main reason, this app has over 1 Billion+ downloads on Google Play Store.
Among all the Social Media platforms, WhatsApp is one of the most used applications for conversation. They always try to make improvements and comes with additional functionality with their every update.
You might be using WhatsApp for a long time, but still, you may not aware of the WhatsApp new features 2019 which came with the updates. In this post, we will discuss the latest features of WhatsApp which you probably not tried yet.

Table of Contents
WhatsApp New Features 2019
1. Pin Chats:
There might be some special person in your contacts whom your message frequently. But with all the other messages, they got messed up and you need to find them again by scrolling to the down. So, WhatsApp made it easy to find them by providing the Pin Chats option. You can Pin up to 3 Chats whom you want to do. This will help you to find them quickly as they will appear at the top of the screen.
To Pin any Chat, just long tap on that Chat and you can see a Pin icon at the top bar. Click on the icon and you’re done. In case, you want to increase the limit up to Three, you can try out WhatsApp Mods like FMWhatsApp or YoWhatsApp.
2. Delete Messages
Sometimes you send the wrong message to any person and you wanna delete it. Well, you can do it by using the “Delete For Everyone” option introduced by WhatsApp itself. This allows you to delete the already sent message to anyone. This option will also work in group conversations too. Using this option is too simple, just long tap on the message you want to delete. Then click on the Delete icon at the top. You will get the option “Delete for Everyone” option along with Delete for Me.
People also try to make their conversation interesting by sending different kinds of messages including jokes and memes. They also take the help of WhatsApp Games With Answers which they play with their free time for entertainment.
3. WhatsApp Conference Call
Now, you can make conference video calls using the WhatsApp. Suppose you have a group of friends then you can join them on Video Call and discuss anything you want. This feature seems helpful for official work too. You can use this option same like “Add Call” feature you do while making phone calls. All you need to do is make a call to anyone and then click on (+) icon from the top. After that, you can choose the contact whom you wanna join in the group video call. Group Call supports up to 4 participants.
4. WhatsApp Status Privacy
There might be some people in your WhatsApp whom you don’t want to share your movements. You can add status privacy so that only the person whom you allow can see your Story update. This can be done by going to Status Tab then tap on 3 dots at the Top. You will get a Status Privacy option. Inside the option, you can choose with whom you want to share your Status update.
5. Chat Shortcuts
WhatsApp has also introduced Chat Shortcuts option which allows you to make a Shortcut of any contact on your home screen. This will help you to message them directly without opening the application. To use this option, Long tap on any contact and then click on the Menu. Now, click on the “Add Shortcut” option there. You can select the area where you want to place that Shortcut.
Last Words:
So, these were the WhatsApp New Features 2019 which you might don’t knew about. Well, there are still some features which you don’t need. For more features, go to the official website of WhatsApp. If you loved the article, please drop a Thanksgiving comment.