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Why do we need server-side programming languages?

server-side programming languages

Server-side programming languages use specific frameworks for building dynamic programs that produce dynamic websites. Server-side programming languages such as Java, PHP, Python, etc. are highly sought-after and organizations pay hefty salaries to developers who are proficient in these technologies. Server-side programming, also known as back-end development, can be defined as the process used in web development for generating a customized response for each user request to the website. E-commerce websites like use server-side scripting for listing products and recording what customers have bought, while Google uses server-side programming languages to determine things you are searching for, to place advertisements, or to fill in users’ search terms, and more.

In general, server-side programming languages are used to structure web applications, display pages, process user input, and interact with permanent storage, among other aspects.

As a business owner or a website developer, you must understand the importance of server-side programming languages so that you can give your targeted audience what they are looking for.

Importance of Secure Server-Side Programming Languages

With the growing demand and innovations in web technology, it is critical for every enterprise to own a website that offers improved security, is visually attractive, and highly functional. Web development is accomplished using programming languages that communicate instructions. When the website is loaded in the internet browser, a sequenced messaging and instructions work with a list of code that brings the page to the screen. The server-side scripting is responsible for uniting the database with the browser and front-end to bring the user-requested page with a user-friendly experience.

There are plenty of server-side programming languages that can help you deliver the best possible results. They include:

  1. js (JavaScript)
  2. Java
  3. PHP
  4. Python
  5. Ruby

Server-side programming languages, as opposed to front-end or client-side programming languages, are those that perform tasks on the server, before sending the page to the browser for rendering. Server-side uses:

Server-side programming helps runs the web application on the server where all possible customers can access it. Server-side programming languages allow you to create dynamic websites that are easy to maintain, upgrade, compatible, and secure. Today, you will a whole host of web applications that are created using server-side programming, including Wikipedia, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, among others. The primary benefits of server-side programming include:

#1 Browser Compatibility 

When we talk about client-side web applications, there are different versions needed for different types of operating systems. While some platforms provide OS independence, they need the OS-specific interpreter. However, when we talk about server-side programming languages, the applications created through them run on the server, and a web browser is used for interchanging data. That is, the scripting doesn’t depend on the web browser since all the processing is performed on the server-side. Therefore, there are no efforts required to make web applications compatible. The programming languages are created in a way that they can call a database without refreshing the page. The best part, the request made or the instructions given are completely transparent to the user as everything takes place in the running window.

With server-side scripting, the loading time of the web pages is reduced drastically, which helps in improving the site’s SEO rankings.

#2 Maintainability 

With server-side programming, the code is written on a single machine, which makes it easier to make any changes or update the web applications as per the requirements. On the other hand, when we talk about client-side programming, you will have to update each and every application on the client machine for making any changes according to the requirements. Thus, server-side programming saves a lot of effort and cost.

As a website owner, you can create your own web applications and use a content management system (CMS) for creating and updating content on the internet without requiring code. This is because server-side programming languages like PHP can be easily configured to content management system applications like Joomla and WordPress.

#3 Security 

The primary reason why server-side programming languages are widely used is that server-side web applications are far better secure than client-side web applications. That is, if you send some sensitive data then the information is encrypted during the transmission process and again decrypted when it reaches the server-side. On the other hand, what makes it even more secure is the fact that all the code is on the server that any user cannot access. But in the case of server-side programming, it is easy for the user to decompile the code, which he/she can later use to determine the security measures and logic and use them for his/her benefit. Since the code is on the server itself, it is not sent back to the browser, preventing it from getting copies, cloned, or scrutinized for hacking susceptibilities.

Further, increased secured is ensured through server-side programming for user privacy. Thus, these programming languages are the preferred choice for creating social media, membership, and e-commerce sites.

There are numerous factors on which the choice of server-side programming languages used to develop web applications depend. These programming languages are important for creating dynamic web pages on internet browsers. This is especially when the browser doesn’t fully support JavaScript.

Last but not least, server-side programming languages boast frameworks and functions that help prevent the increase of load on the website since they don’t require browser scripting technology or plugins. Overloading may lead to issues like page freezing, high CPU usage, and even slow loading.

Final Words 

Server-side programming languages are inevitable in today’s competitive world. As a business owner, if you want to succeed and stay ahead of the competition, you should know which server-side language you must use. The primary reason why these programming languages are used is to combat security threats that are looming on a daily basis.


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