Are you trying to learn the spoken skills of the English language? Yes! You are in the absolute right place. Indeed if English is not your first language, you may find a little difficulty in making and pronouncing the exact sounds. For example, let us look at these two different words- constriction and obstruction. Can you identify the different sounds in both these cases? Yeah! Well, this is the manner of articulation or articulate manner.
English encompasses different manners of articulation to ace the verbal skills efficiently. The two major factors are the hoe and were of sound production. The How refers to the manner of articulation. Whereas the where is the exact place of articulation. Thus, if you wish to successfully learn the right ways to pronounce the different words of the English language, emphasize these two major aspects.
Stress not! We have curated the details regarding the manner of articulation that you need to know beforehand.
Table of Contents
What is the manner of articulation?
You might have observed that learning your first language, which is your mother tongue, came to you naturally. You didn’t have to attend any classes for verbal or spoken tutorials. Even there were no discussions regarding the manner of articulation. Neither do you give any recognition to how and where the sound is coming from? Along with all these, the roles of mouth, teeth, and tongue were also not bothersome.
On the contrary, when you are ready to learn a second language, the manner of articulation comes into the picture. You need to have a piece of adequate knowledge about the how and where of sound productions. Even the roles of mouth, teeth, and tongue are very important. All these skills enable you to correctly and pronounce different sounds.
What are the different types of articulate manner?
When you have begun learning the articulation manner, the first and the foremost are the types of articulation manner. So, there are a total of six different types of articulation that assists you incorrectly and pronouncing any word or sounds. Read on to get to know these different types here:
1) Stop or Plosive
We fabricate the pressing factor of air and afterward discharge it. This is an abrupt eruption of air. Instances of stops include: /p//b//t//d//k//g/
Investigate stops in these words.
Beginning Sounds
/p/ – pig, /b/ – bat, /t/ – tall, /d/ – dad, /k/- kick, /g/ – Girl
2) Fricative
We stop part of the air so it can’t come through all over. It’s anything but a surge of air. Envision a stream of water streaming. Then, at that point envision placing an enormous stone in the focal point of the waterway. The progression of the water would change because of the enormous stone, yet the water would in any case stream around it. This is a solid portrayal of fricative sound frames. There is a streaming waterway of air, and you mostly block it with your tongue, teeth, or lips.
Sounds include: /f//v//s//z//h//ʃ//ʒ//ð//θ/
Investigate fricatives in these words.
Beginning Sounds
/f/ – four, /v/ – van, /s/ – sun, /z/ – zip, /h/ – hi, /ʃ/ – transport
/ʒ/ – This sound doesn’t happen toward the start of words in English. It typically happens in English words.
/ð/ – these and /θ/ – thin
Last Sounds
/f/ – half, /v/ – have, /s/ – pass, /z/ – has
/h/ – This sound doesn’t happen toward the finish of words in English. It happens at the beginning or center of English words.
/ʃ/ – wash
/ʒ/ – rouge – This sound at the last position is uncommon. It as a rule happens in English words.
/ð/ – bathe, /θ/ – bath
3) Affricate
We join stops and fricatives to shape affricates. Models include: /tʃ/and/dʒ/.
Affricates start with a stop and afterward change into a fricative.
Starting Sounds
/tʃ/ – chip, /dʒ/ – just
Last Sounds
/tʃ/ – catch, /dʒ/ – badge
4) Nasal
We close our senses of taste and let the air stream through the nose. Models include:/m//n//ŋ/
Introductory Sounds
/m/ – moon
/n/ – nap
/ŋ/ – This sound doesn’t happen toward the start of words in English.
5) Liquid
We let the air stream on the sides of our tongues. Models include:/ɹ//l/
Beginning Sounds
/ɹ/ – red and /l/ – light
Last Sounds
/ɹ/ – dear and /l/ – fill
6) Glide
We move our mouths continually from an enunciation to a vowel sound. Models include:/w/and/j/
Starting Sounds
/w/ – win and /y/ – yellow
Last Sounds
/w/ – This sound doesn’t generally happen toward the finish of a word in English. At the point when you see a w toward the finish of a word, it generally implies you unite your lips in a little circle close to the furthest limit of the vowel sound that precedes it. However, the/w/sound isn’t created.
/y/ – This sound doesn’t typically happen toward the finish of a word in English.
So, this was all about the different types of articulate sounds. These are crucial to practice beforehand. This helps you pronounce words correctly and clearly.

What are the different places of articulate manner?
Place of articulation manner is described as the where of the correct pronunciation. To correctly and pronounce any word in the English language the knowledge regarding the functions of mouthparts is important to understand. So, here we will understand the functions of teeth, lips, tongue in the production of different consonant sounds in the English language.
- Labials – lips
- Dental – teeth
- Tongue
- Palate – top of the mouth; the hard sense of taste is the harder (firmer) part of the top of the mouth, in the front portion of the mouth; the delicate sense of taste is farther back, close to the back of the mouth. If you read
- Alveolar edge – the gums behind your top teeth
The correct location and shape of the teeth, tongue, and lips are of utmost importance. This further ensures the right manner of articulation. This enables you to correctly and pronounce the consonant sound.
To make this clearer, let us look at some sounds and the roles the different parts have to play.
- Bilabials
Shaped with two (bi-) lips (labials)
/p/ – pop, /b/ – Bob, and /m/ – mother
- Labiodentals
Shaped with the base lip (labio-) and top teeth (dentals)
/f/ – fish and /v/ – very
- Interdentals
Shaped by putting the tongue (between) the teeth (dental)
/θ/ – thick and /ð/ – though
- Alveolars
Framed by putting the tongue on the alveolar edge, which is the gum line over the top teeth
/t/ – Tom, /d/ – dad, /s/ – sit, /z/ – zoo, /l/ – light, /ɹ/ – run
- Palatals
Shaped by contacting the sides of the tongue to the top of the mouth
/ʃ/ – ship, /ʒ/ – pleasure, /tʃ/ – cheap, /dʒ/ – jump, and /j/ – yogurt
- Velars
Framed by putting the back piece of the tongue against the delicate sense of taste
/k/ – curl, /g/ – girl, /ŋ/ – song
How can you effectively practice an articulate manner?
Regular practice can help you to successfully ace the spoken skills of any foreign language. Several practices and approaches enable you to get victory in speaking new words confidently and correctly. Some of the techniques are as follows:
Listen to yourself
Firstly, it is of utmost importance to speak up louder and listen to your voice. This helps you to get to know your negatives. Thus, you can effectively work out to correct those areas.
Don’t be shy
Secondly, you need to remember that this is the problem that happens to everyone. Especially those who try to learn a new language. So, don’t feel shy or discouraged. You need to begin from the basics. Practice the basics and gradually move towards mastering the articulate manner. This way you can speak new words clearly and correctly.
Begin with an easy first
Thirdly, to proudly learn to speak the words correctly and pronounce them. You need to begin with the simpler words. Again, the basics are the key here. So, begin with basic words and simpler sentence structures. While practicing observe the location of different parts of the mouth like teeth, tongue, and lips.
Seek online support
Fourthly, there are several online support systems available. You simply need to search for the right tutorials. Take out time from your busy schedule. Attend these classes and gradually you will begin to feel the difference.
Practice is the key
Finally, you need to keep in mind that practice is the key. If you wish to learn the language, or whatever is your goal. Practice is the only driving force that could generate better and faster results. The more you practice the better you get at it. So, keep practicing.
Wrapping up
This was all about articulate manner. The right how and where of the manner of articulation is a key factor in learning the second language. The manner of articulation and the right place of articulation is the key aspects of attaining mastery in the basics while learning the second language.
So, if you are planning to learn articulate manner begins with the basics. Slowly and gradually move towards achieving mastery of the spoken skills while learning the second language.