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How to increase your followers on TikTok?

followers on TikTok

It is mentioned everywhere that online platforms help you in reaching to a larger set of audience. But how can one reach these people? For that, there should be some kind of connection between these people and you. Like, friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter and Instagram. If many people are connected to you, then you can easily send your content to them. Like if you are connected to more than 1000 people on Twitter, which means more than 1000 people follow you on Twitter, then whatever content you upload on Twitter, these people will be able to see that.

One similar platform is TikTok. TikTok is a platform where you can post your videos and get people to follow you. The more the followers, the bigger the celebrity. And like any other platform, it’s not easy to get followers on TikTok. Someone might have uploaded a bunch of videos and got just a few followers, while another person has uploaded just 2 or 3 videos and is already going viral. How did they gain popularity? How did they get so many people to follow them? Here are some of the tips you can follow to become an online celebrity and increase your count of followers on TikTok. 

Tips to increase your followers on TikTok

TikTok is a platform where you can upload short music videos. Making these videos require a lot of skills and efforts. With these tips, you can make sure that your efforts are not going in vain. 

. Be Original

What is the use of posting the same content as others? Why would anyone follow you if there’s nothing unique about you? So, make sure your content is unique and innovative. Also, find your own style and content that you enjoy making. Only if you will enjoy making the videos, then people will enjoy watching them. If you cannot find a particular type of content, post different types of content and observe how your followers respond to each one of them. All these content need to show the best side of yours.

. Keep Timing in Mind

Not all of your followers on TikTok can be online at the same time, but you can choose a time duration in which most of them use the app. This will make sure that your video is not buried under a set of other videos, but is seen by most of your followers and many other people. Remember to post a new video at least twice a day and post them between 11 am to 5 pm, as at this time TikTok is used by most of the users. Also, you can observe your audience and try to calculate the time they are available on the app.

. Use Equipements

Making a TikTok video in the dirty surroundings, using a very poor camera will only keep people away from following you. What if you cannot find someone to hold your camera while you dance to the tunes? Invest in equipment like a tripod for your mobile phone so that you would not rely on other people for making your videos. If your camera is poor, get a new one. The better the quality of your videos will be, the more followers you will attract.

. Use Other Platforms

Keep a single username for all your social media platforms, this will make it easy for people to find you on different platforms. If a large set of people follow you on other social media platforms, then post your TikTok videos on those platforms and that will make those people follow you on TikTok as well. Or you can share your content on all your social media platforms, which will make sure that it reaches to maximum people and you never know which platform makes your video go viral.

. Learn From Others

There are people who already have thousands of followers on TikTok, watch their videos and see what makes them stand out. It can be their skills or the way they make their videos, take note of everything and try to impose them in your videos. They might be using certain techniques or props, which you can use in your videos too. Remember not to copy them, learn from them and make your own content.

. Collaborate

You can always collaborate with different people and use the duet feature of TikTok. This means you do not need to meet them in person, but you can share the screen with them. In this way, you can reach their followers and this will be different from your usual content, so people will enjoy watching it. Find people who have similar interests as you, this will make sure that you both enjoy making the video. It is also the best to collaborate with people whose number of followers on TikTok matches yours, as people with more followers than you might not be interested in collaborating with you.

. Be Consistent

Someone might be uploading more than five videos in a day and here you are uploading one video in three days. Why would people follow you if you’re not giving them content on a regular basis? They watch your videos because they enjoy watching them and they need new videos every now and then. Make sure you upload videos regularly and keep your audience engaged.

. Be Short and Concise

Just like long stories, people get bored with long videos. Make sure your videos are short and interesting. This will make sure that people watch the whole video and your effort did not go waste. People will be able to see your talent in a very short bit of time, which is a positive point.

. Follow trends with hashtags

Tiktok also uses hashtags to set new trends. Follow any famous trend going on and use hashtags as much as you can. Just like Instagram, using hashtags will make sure that your videos reach to most of the audience. Give your unique style to any ongoing challenge, it will also attract followers on TikTok.

. Follow Other People 

Follow and follow-back is the rule of the internet. The more people you will follow, the more will follow you back, this will also help you in getting more and more followers on TikTok.

The key is to keep your audience engaged with your videos, and it can only be possible if you upload unique content regularly. Following these tips will help you in becoming an ‘Online Celebrity’ which you’ve always dreamt of.

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